25 Nov 2015

What You Can Do with Time & Under Pressure

using time and pressure. He’s working on you, too!”
Rick Warren

Over the past few months, I have seen what I am capable of achieving with time and under pressure, some would call this working to a strict deadline.

My dear Gateway blog has taken a back seat as I have been furiously pumping out another  20 articles for the blindness.about.com site!

So…for those who might like an update, here are the 7 most popular posts to date.

And…there is one more bonus I just have to share with you.
A community event I designed that took place on November 8th 2015 called
Click on the link above to see all the magic of this awesome day.
Who knows, we could be coming to a city near you too!

Would be great to know what you have been doing with time and under pressure too…please leave your comments!

My deep thanks to my partner and tech wizard Harry Williamson, for film footage and for his tireless energy to produce our Youtube clip.

Copyright © Maribel Steel 2015

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find blog very interesting I will try and watch the You Tube video and try to look up your website and learn more about what you are doing.